Posts Tagged ‘Announcements’

Jumping the Shark

January 4, 2019

I’ve mentioned this idea in a couple of new(-ish) pieces lately, but that list of teams to the right is about to get four times bigger.

If you’ve been reading this for awhile, you should know that this blog came out of a fight with unemployability. The thing about being unemployable is that that you get left with a lot of free time, and I had lots of time to catch up on my reading. After a few years of sporadic work and being forced to move back home, I took stock of my life, where I wanted it to go as opposed to where I was and how I got there, and cleared my head enough to launch an ambitious plan to get my life to go in a direction I wanted it to go. This blog became a casualty of that, and I went on an indefinite hiatus. I’m very happy to say that things have worked out for me quite well – I’m gainfully employed at a great place, have everything I need, and am saving money.

Unfortunately, that free time I had which resulted in the creation of this blog isn’t nearly as plentiful.

Does that mean I’m closing up shop for good? Well, actually, no! See, I’m a SPORTS nerd in general. Not just a baseball fan. So I read sports books of all stripes. Baseball was the focus of this blog at first because it’s a literary sport and easy to concentrate on, but I like several sports. And without my free time for reading, it’s a lot tougher to put any kind of focus on baseball books. So rather than shut this blog down, I’m doing the opposite and turning it into a blog for sports books. Yes, there will still be reviews of baseball books, but there will also be reviews of books about other sports. I don’t think I’ll be changing the URL or site name, though, because they’re part of my history. But I might add more pages. I haven’t decided. But as I read books about all kinds of sports, it’s time to start sharing them with everyone. And I suddenly have an awful lot of new books to start writing about!

I might get Twitter and Facebook accounts up for Lit Bases as well. But until those, you’re free to look me up as Niko Croston on Twitter, or by my unabridged and unaltered moniker on Facebook. (I’ll have everyone know, though, that I talk about a lot more than just sports on both platforms.)